
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Kauai Sunset and the big day is here!

Have you ever wondered what keeps clouds suspended in the sky? 

I thought this worked nicely for Illustration Friday - Suspend

It's funny and very telling that one of my favorite journal pieces is this watercolor sunset I painted from our lanai looking north over the bluffs of Princeville.  It only took me 15 minutes...which is maybe why it looks so good to me.  I didn't have time to over think and mess it up!

In other big news...we have a new puppy...AND...a new kitty!  The new kitty actually came 10 days ago.  We decided it would be fun to have a kitten and a puppy grow up together.

Meet Io the kitty and Oberon the pup.

Io wasted no time taking charge.  Here she is stalking Obi.
All the excitement wore Obi out.
Io likes to help me work.


  1. Wonderful painting! And I love the new siblings :)

  2. I love the colors in your painting! And your new little babies are too cute!!

  3. I just mentioned Kauai in my comment on someone's post. I remembered the smell of Jasmine on our hikes there. Your clouds are very serene.

  4. Beautiful painting, and your little one's are just precious:)

  5. Congratulations on your new family members! Adorable! Beautiful Kauai sky, too!!

  6. Beautiful soft colours! You've captured a moment and I think it works perfectly for "suspend".

  7. A lovely painting and adorable new pets, plus you live in Kauai - how lucky are you!

    1. Thanks!...I wish I lived in Kauai but I was only visiting.

  8. The colors and texture are just perfect!! Cloud, beach, and ocean all have a unique texture and feel with just a few brush strokes...well done!

  9. Congratulations on your new babies, Rita! Your sunset watercolor is lovely. It looks so soft and cotton-candy-like!

  10. This is very pretty! Now I'm even more psyched about going to Maui/Kauai in February...
