
Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday in the Garden

Over the holiday weekend I was hoping to have a lot of time to devout to art but in the end I only had time to for this birthday card for a friend.  Watercolor, colored pencil and pen on handmade paper.

Trying to get back into my normal Monday groove today but I have a sick kid staying home from school.  Instead of burning off the wine and sugar I overindulged in with a spin class I will have to make do with what I like to call my "yardwork" exercise.  Shoveling, weeding, carrying pails full of compost in an effort to get my heartrate up.  It's all for the best...the weeds are growing like crazy and the gophers are taking over.

Lucky for me there is lots of beauty in the garden to inspire me while I work.  Taken with iPhone

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