
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Days like this

Sometimes there are days like this, days that just feel, well...kinda yucky.  They come after the weeks which include losing a beloved pet, unbelievable family drama, work stresses, illnesses, close calls, major unexpected know.  On a day like this all I can do is take care of myself. 

I went for a walk.  Turned my back on work emails, left a mountain of laundry waiting to be folded and just put on my earphones and headed out into the sunshine.  This is how it went:

an apricot tree in full bloom with bright pink blossoms
when a wave crashes, the white foam arcs out from the original crash point
pelicans frantically crashing into the water to take advantage of a bait ball
the first freesia of the season, golden yellow and smelling so sweet
the first wisteria of the season cascading right over the sidewalk

I began to feel better and then...the elderly man on the corner with the Chihuahuas had set out his wooden box of lemons free to passers by and I realize:

When life give you lemons....
...make lemonade 

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