
Sunday, August 26, 2012


Here is what I worked on this started as a watercolor but ended up an acrylic.  I can't even guess how many layers of paint I have here and I'm still not sure about it.  I would like the water to look more translucent and I wish the breaking part of the wave wasn't as wide.  I messed with it and messed with it and eventually decided to put the brush down.  So here it is.  I tried to capture the way a wave curls.



  1. I love this. I'm a big fan of water scenes, and this is one cool looking wave. Love the shaded sections and the faded blue transitioning into the frame. Very cool

  2. This is just beautiful, and one big curl...Like Fred I love water scenes. The blues are fabulous.

  3. Fabuluos, Rita! It's tough to know when to complete a painting, isn't it. Lov, love, loving this.

  4. Now why didn't I think of that....I've been at the Ocean for a week in Oregon... Love it.

  5. Beautiful Rita! I can almost feel that salty clear water.

  6. I think the water has great movement and I like how you were able to put the whites in to highlight in just the right places. Great use of the curl idea too!

  7. I think you did a great job with it! One thing that really works for me is the touch of white at the leading edge of the wave. I like how you intersected it with the background instead of leaving it above the water line. It really makes the wave roll for me. Beautiful painting!

  8. I like your use of colors, the wave is perfectly captured.

    hope you have a great day.

  9. Oh what a brilliant idea for curls, Rita. Well done! excellent. :)

  10. what a wonderful wave and it gives me lots of ideas since I'm supposed to paint water lately! I like the idea of watercolour and acrlic together
