
Friday, November 16, 2012

Yesterday I Fell Off a Cliff**

**This all happened a few days ago...but I've been writing this post in my head and the "yesterday" stuck.  And it wasn't really a cliff...but in some ways it was...

The other morning after the bell rang and my kids were ushered into their classrooms I ran into a friend who was visibly upset.  She told me that another mom at our school, a close friend of hers, had gone to the doctor for stomach pain and ended up rushed into surgery and diagnosed with colon cancer that has already doesn't look good.  I don't really know this other mom, our daughters are in the same grade but have never had a class together.  I know her by name and by sight only.  Even so...I can't help but be affected by such news.  She is my age, very involved at school, a successful professional, a mom to two young daughters (her other girl is in kindergarten.) 

As I walked back to my car, distracted by the horrible news, I fell off the sidewalk right into the street.  I can't explain it...I just walked right off the sidewalk.  In the split second that my body lost balance I glanced down and realized that instead of solid concrete beneath my foot I had just stepped into thin air.  As I fell forward onto my hands and knees there was that strange time suspension...a million things flashed through my mind in what was less than a second.  I was sure I would break a bone...or worse, fall in front of a car driven by a harried parent rushing off to work.  Fortunately neither happened.  I survived with a bit of raw skin and some bruises.  My fall was terrifying only for a second or two...the bruises still hurt but they will be gone soon.  I am so lucky.

The other mom...she must have felt terrified too, but instead of falling off an 8 inch curb she was falling off a cliff into an unimaginable abyss.  The news she received that day is my worst nightmare and I'm sure it was hers, too.  I don't know what will happen to her.  I hope it's not as bad as what I heard.   When we hear tragic stories like this we are reminded that we need to live each moment to its fullest.  There is no telling when it might all fall away.  

I always admire those who keep art journals...I'm not so good at it...but I wanted to reaffirm all of the great things in my life.  The things I love and the things I am thankful for.

It's easy to take things for granted and forget the gratitude.

I do know that I feel incredibly lucky and I feel so THANKFUL.

  In some ways I do feel like I fell off a cliff instead of a little curb because I feel different than I did a few days ago.  I feel such a deep appreciation for my life. 
Can I say it again? 
I feel very, very thankful.

just noticed my typo...sheesh...should say "OF" not "OFF!"

What are you thankful for?

 Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends at Paint Party Friday

Paint Party Friday



  1. wow. I can feel for you on the fall since I fell down two steps onto our sun room floor yesterday. OUCH. it is strange when falling what goes thru your mind in the free fall. Glad you are alright. I went to the chiropractor today and am moving slowly. I really knocked my back out of whack, like I wasnt already having problems. arrgh. Sad about the Mother. I hope they find it isn't as bad as it sounds. Shes to young. Nice to journal about your feelings. Good job. HPPF

    1. Thanks Cris, glad you are OK, too. Doing the journal page felt good.

  2. this is just amazingly beautiful, your story, your wisdom and the art you created from the feelings brought about the terrible news and your near miss! I'm so glad you are OK,

  3. I am sorry for the mum's bad news also, I hope she is not as bad as it looks, they are able to achieve so much now, advances are being made but until this beast of a disease is conquered we will all tremble in fear with the thought of it attacking our loved ones or ourselves, sorry I commented twice but I could not leave until I paid recognition to the women who received this horrid news,

    1. Thanks for both your comments, Laurie. I really appreciate your words.

  4. lovely gratitude pages, I'm sure they made you feel better from such bad news and glad you are ok from that fall too.

    1. They DID make me feel better. It's wonderful what art can do for the soul...

  5. Sometimes it takes something like this to re-evaluate our lives and we also realise how fragile we are. Beautiful pages and hope they can treat the lady who has had this shocking news. Happy PPF, Annette x

    1. Thanks Netty...we are fragile and STRONG, too.

  6. Your journal pages are beautiful and a wonderful reminder for each of us to treasure the life and health that we have. I am thankful that I still have my dh who has an incurable, life threateningr diseases. I am thankful for his faith and his optimism and his upbeat personality . I am thankful that to the best of my knowledge I am healthy at age 78, and I am happy in my life. I am so sorry that the young woman has had a dreadful diagnosis. So young for such an illness. Thanks for the great post.

    1. Thank you Faye, for sharing what you are thankful for. I love your words.

  7. Hi Rita,
    This is a very poignant post. Your words made me stop and appreciate my life as well. I feel so sorry for this mother, it is such an unfathomable thing to happen to anyone. Even worse to have little children who can't possibly understand. You are right in appreciating everything that is good and real right now. That's all any of us have, the present. It truly is a gift.

    1. Thanks Denise, I agree, the present is a gift!

  8. Wow...Rita, these two pages are awesome! Love the delightful colors and little typo... :)

  9. What a gorgeous and positive journal entry! It's so pretty and the message of thankfulness is loud and clear. I'm glad you weren't injured when you fell and I hope the other parent will be okay.

  10. I am so sorry to hear of that woman, that mother and wife, I hope she is cured and lives out a long life... You were so distracted, you fell, I remember once a a time in my life I walked straight past my mother, I was so distracted, she said I said hello but I was on my way to see my very sick nephew and that was what filled my brain... I am pleased you are ok and your journal pages are a besutiful affirmation of what is precious. Hugs from afar xo.

  11. beautiful pages and thoughts too. Blessings.

  12. Fabulous art journal. I love the bright colors. Thanks for sharing your story with us. You are the lucky one. :)

  13. Thank God you are ok! I hope you will get some good news about the other woman too.. I can imagine how the mood is over there, keep strong!

    Your page looks very colorful and I can see so much joy. Wishing you and the other woman all the best.

  14. Yes, I like that deliciously double page of his diary of art.

  15. Your journal pages are beautiful. I have found that keeping a gratitude journal has completely changed the way I view each day. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  16. Wow! Powerful post ~ glad you are okay ~ Your journal pages are wonderfully creative ~ love the design, composition and colors ~ Wonderful! ~ (A Creative Harbor ^_^)

  17. I feel so sorry for the mum that you wrote about and her family.

    I really hope that things are not as bad as they seem.

    Your art is beautiful and a good reminder to appreciate all our blessings.


  18. you are right, life does happen in an instant. one moment you are on top of the world, the next you find yourself on the ground. thank goodness you are ok. what a powerful lesson you took from the experience and used it for grist for a creative journal spread. i might take your lead and do the same.

  19. Thank you for this simple yet powerful reminder to be grateful for all we have in life. Your journal pages are wonderful! Happy PPF.

  20. You have no idea how much this post touched me today.I sat crying this morning at my computer over a friends email. She has a relative, exactly how you describe this woman dying of cancer, and her dear friends son who's like a nephew, not yet 25, and her dear neighbor. All people I have met, dined with, been to parties with, and enjoyed at one point in my life. All really nice people so full of life!! It's sad beyond words...and now here I read your words and they penetrate my being... I am so SORRY you fell of the sidewalk/cliff...I have done that and it's so scary at my weight and age. I am so affected by these people being sick even though they have only randomly been in my life!! So I think I understand how you feel...kind of helpless but really so grateful. I feel so bad for my darling friend carry all this on her shoulders...she is an amazing woman with such a heavy load!! So sad!! Thank you for pouring your intimate heart onto this page!!

    Beautiful pages, so heartfelt!! Love all the color!!

    Hugs Giggles

  21. Wow! Yes, I do wake up each morning glad to be alive, and I am very very very thankful for all I have. And that womans' news is shocking, yet knowing hospitals are full all over the world with people of all ages dying of something I am always amazed that I have skated by this far in life this well.
    I do NOT take it for granted. Look where you are going. I think you took a physical fall in reaction to what you heard feeling the fear of that known/unknown...possibility. Glad you weren't hurt too badly.

    You turned out lovely journal pages. Now go kiss your kids.

    HPPF on Saturday. Going to play with my grandkids and kiss them and my daughter and SIL.

  22. These are wonderful journal pages and a powerful reminder that we all have a lot to be thankful for. Thanks for posting and HPPF

  23. You are completely right - these belong to our worst fears.
    It was a reminder for me to go and get a colonoscopy that I have been avoiding for some time now.
    I just wrote about thankfulness on my blog as well. A few months ago I started a gratitude journal - it is a good thing. I am so much more aware of all the true blessings in my life, and I don't take them for granted. It gives my life a lot more depth.
    I love your art journal page. So good to write/paint/be creative about gratitude.

  24. I love your journal + I love that you used your page to reaffirm that you have all you need in your life right now. There is nothing like have a friend, or loved one (or even a friend of a friend) go through something awful, to open your eyes to your own blessings x

  25. This is such a beautiful and heartfelt page. It's at times like these that we realize we shouldn't take our health for granted. Very true, but oh so easy to forget ...

  26. Wow, what a very meaning post, and such a poignant journal page. Glad you weren't hurt badly, I hope the other Mom and her family gets the support they will need to get through this tough time in their lives.

  27. Thanks for all the lovely comments! I really appreciate them, each and every one!

  28. Well written post. So sad. I am hopeful that it's a better diagnosis that your friend believes.
    Love your gratitude journal art. I think that we all need to take the time to realize what we should be thankful for.
    Glad that you are okay and just a little injured.

  29. Its a real wake up call when you hear terrible news like this, being reminded of our mortality is a time for reflection and to remember not to take life and the future for granted. Thanks for the reminder,your journal pages are beautiful. My thoughts go out to the young woman with school age children who need her so much, I hope her future is long and happy.

  30. Sad to hear about the one mum..
    but glad to hear you did not hurt yourself when you fell..

    take care!

    by the way, many lovely paintings and journal drawing! :)

  31. This is so beautiful and touching in so many ways. I always try to bring myself back to gratitude, thanks for the reminder, hugs to you.

  32. Wonderful, Rita! xoxox Sometimes those horrible things help us to see the beauty all around us. Hoping your bruises healed up quickly. Lovely pages, too!! I love your doodles!
