
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Index-Card-a-Day 2013, ICAD, day 9-12

Well, another week and 7 more index cards.  Here are 9-12.  I've really been enjoying doing a bit of art every day.  The fact that it's a little card makes it so much more do-able.  Sometimes I am too busy to get all my paints our and start on a canvas.  A little paper card is easy!

This was day 9.  What a Hungarian postage stamp would have looked like if I had designed it.  It's Micron pen on white card but I wanted it to have a vintage, already-gone-through-the-mail look so I dumped old coffee grounds on it.

Day 10.  I ripped up pages from an old music book and used Modge Podge to collage them onto the card.  Then I drew over it in Sharpie.  At first I was worried that the Modge Podge left the surface too slick but in fact it made for some interesting blending.  I'd like to try this again with less black to see how the colors blend without the black.

On day 11 I wanted to use a prompt so I went with "map."  More Modge Podge.  I had hoped the black lines would look like another map on to of the paper map but in the end it kind of looks like a zebra to me...which is funny because last week's prompt was "zebra."

And finally, because I should share something I PAINTED on Paint Party Friday...Day 12 is watercolors and acrylic ink.  I finished it up with colored pencils.
See more of my ICAD's here.
Paint Party Friday


  1. Great stuff!
    Of course I love that map and design! :)
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  2. Nice/vibrant! Also love the map!

  3. the index cards are gorgeous. Very lovely colors.

  4. Good job Rita!! Great variety here!!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. Great cards Rita! Really love the one you 'aged' with coffee grounds, and always happy to see colorful flowers and birds...

  6. Your map piece is quite interesting, and those hot pink flowers are a popping. Happy PPF xox

  7. Outstanding little pieces of art!!! If I had to pick a favorite, I like the coffee grounds one best!

  8. They are all fabulous, but days 11 and 12 are both wonderful... I think your cards are getting better as the month progresses...xx

  9. Lovely collection! Loved the map more :)

  10. These are really them all :)

  11. These are great. I just happened to be looking at Hungarian postage stamps this week so what a delight to see your rendition.

  12. Simply incredible. I especially adore the birds.

  13. Love the map one and the flowers the most ♥ Conny

  14. Love the images - my favourite is the map.
