
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

WOYWW and 29 Faces

I really enjoyed my inaugural link up to What's on Your Worktable Wednesday's last week at the Stamping Ground.  It's so interesting to see other people's work space and projects.  Thanks to everyone who visited and left me comments.  I'm hoping I visited you back, I really try to visit everyone who comments and I think I usually succeed!

My work table lately has been the kitchen table.  Our small house, originally built for WWII veterans in the 50's, has no dining room so I can't even say I've taken over the dining room.  What I've done is taken over the corner of our kitchen table in our eat-in kitchen.

As I try to get a jewelry business going my art has taken a back seat.  To add insult to injury I am attempting the 29 faces challenge with mixed results.  Number 3 never even made it onto the blog.   I was feeling so bleck about drawing another face when I remembered a quote I love:

when in doubt, doodle 

And it worked because I love this one.  She is number 5. 
It turns out I love doodling hair.  Who knew?

This is what the kitchen table looked like today.

One of the dangers of being on Etsy all the time is seeing the great stuff for sale.  I fell in love with this tole box.  If I ever sell my jewelry at a show I can use it as my cash box.
And I am trying desperately to stay organized with jewelry making supplies. 

Back to the box, isn't it pretty?

For now I've decided to keep my stamps in it.
I had custom made rubber stamps made out of some of my Hungarian Flowers.  I love them!

This was my first sale and I experimented with packaging.  I think it looks so cute.

Visit My Etsy Shop

29 faces


  1. good luck with your jewelry business. I do like that drawing. the hair turned out great. happy crafting #5

  2. Happy woyww, your box you bought is very pretty so is your picture, and that turquoise bracelet
    -Tera #3

  3. Lovely little box and great packaging idea.
    Sandra @22

  4. Who needs to eat anyway ??? :o)
    Your kitchen table looks great to me. I adore your face and love her hair. She is beautiful.

  5. I agree - a cute bracelet needs a cute label :) Love your face - wonderful hair! And I'll go visit your shop - I opened mine a couple of weeks ago :)
    Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week!
    no. 33

  6. Very nice jewelry and I LUV that box :-)
    Your doodled hair is just lovely :-D Good luck with the Etsy shop. x


    Ike in Greece #91 xx

  7. Your jewelry is very pretty and I really like your stamps.
    Ann 97

  8. Hi that is one cute box. Etsy is dangerous. Good luck with the jewellery making one piece of advise if you don't mind.....I would make the tags smaller or they may overwhelm the jewellery... Looks good though

  9. lovely new face piece and love your beads!!!!

  10. The detail on the hair is amazing :-)
    Happy WOYWW
    Kay #45

  11. Now I even found you on woyww, Rita :)
    beautiful face!
    Wishing you luck with your Etsy shop!!! (I still have one - though on 'vacation mode' since we moved to Sweden... I'm still a bit sad about that. On the other hand, it brought me back to spending more time with art)
    Jana # 64

  12. Lovely box you found on Etsy, and good luck with your selling, hope it is a success, love the tag and bag you have designed to go with them! Happy WOYWW from Annette #2

  13. Oooh I forgot, your hair doodle is completely awesome!

  14. love the drawing, wish i could draw like that Lx

  15. She's got terrific hair, wow! Nicely done. :D

  16. Good luck with your jewellery business and congrats on your first sale. I love your doodled hair on the face and such a gorgeous box. I can see why you bought it.
    Have a great week.
    Von #34

  17. Ah, yes … the Medicine of the doodle! She is powerful Medicine, indeed. :)

  18. As always Rita, you've magically opened the door of your house, invited us in for a cuppa and shared a bit of you!

  19. gracious that's very precise and lovely for doodling! Lovely to see your productive kitchen matter the surface. made me smile to read that you'll store stamps in that lovely box. That's how my collections start..on a containable box! still your jewellery 'thing' will probably need more room than stamps, huh.

  20. Wow, her hair is fantastic! Love all of the details in her do. It's a beautiful doodle! And I feel you about the lack of art space. I have to use a tiny desk shared with my computer. It's about 1 foot by 2 feet, lol :)

  21. I love the hair, and your packaging, and the box! I hope you are successful in your new business.

    Cazzy x #87

  22. Good luck with your etsy shop. The bag and your tag look cute.

    The doodled hair is fabulous!

  23. I spent a lot of years working at our kitchen bar, it still has a layer of paint spills and glue. Work wherever you find space, just keep making art!

  24. I love your stylized, doodled hair. It looks great! I know what you mean about Etsy -- so much fun stuff to buy there! Your box is lovely. I think you'll enjoy having it. Good luck with your shop!

  25. Really love the hair!!!! I try to stay away from places like self control here. I would have scarfed that box up too :0) I mean ... we always need more storage space ...RIGHT!!!

  26. You are doing alot! The portrait is great, I love the hair too! I need to check out all these great challenges you are doing. Best of luck on your jewelry biz!!

  27. You did an excellent job on this face and the hair is so different.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. These are awesome, Rita! Faces are difficult to render. Yours looks awesome. And I love that the hungarian twist that you "sprinkle" throughout your work. :-) The little muslin sack with stamp looks so cute!

  30. congratulations on your first sale, it is beautiful and wonderful packaging.
    your sketch/doodle is a joy to see as well.

    i also do not have a studio or separate art space, i end up with things all over in my wee cabin! some day...

  31. such fun hair
    she is lovely
    i also work in a tiny space on the couch... we create where we can
