
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

ICAD's 1-7 I've missed this!

It's summer but you wouldn't know it here!  We've got June gloom but it's not just foggy here on the coast, it's been downright cold.  Right now I am wearing long sleeves and a knit scarf!  I guess I should mention that there are kids in bathing suits running around my backyard playing in the sprinkler.  I don't know how they manage that, I guess "summer" means no school to them and they are not concerned about the sun shining.
I was excited to get back to doing Index-card-a-day.  If you have not heard of it, it's an art challenge but on by Tammy Garcia at Daisy Yellow.  Every day for two months we create art on an index card and share with fellow ICADers.  Last year I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.  I carried around art supplies, I created cards at parties, on boats, at the golf course.  Such fun!
This has been a slow art year for me.  I know some people say, "I must create art every day."  I wish I was one of those people.  I love, love, love being creative but in my life it ebbs and flows.  Ideally I'd be able to create art any and all the time but art often takes a back seat to work, family and daily responsibilities.
That's why I love the index cards.  For the most part they are simple, usually quick and highly satisfying.  Here are my first 7, I have to admit I am feeling a bit rusty.  I'm not really a prompt follower (there are word prompts to follow for inspiration if you want,) but I followed a few this week to help get me started.
It will be fun to see where the journey this year takes me.
Day 1.  Prism.  Sharpie.
Day 2.  Yellow.  Colored pencil, Sharpie.

Day 3.  Watercolor, Sharpie, White Uni Posca pen

Day 4. Watercolor, Sharpie, White Uni Posca pen

Day 5.  Sharpie

Day 6. Sharpie

Day 7.  Sharpie.

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