
Saturday, June 30, 2012


I love a good Mai Tai.  Unfortunately the one & only Mai Tai I ordered in Kauai wasn't so good, but maybe that was a good thing...because I didn't order another and another...and it was one of my go easy on the Mai Tai's!

Acrylic on canvas pad.
 This is for Illustration Friday - Refresh. 
I had a tough time with the reflection of the glass on the table, which is supposed to be granite, by the way, but I think it turned out nicely.


  1. Sweet painting - looks very refreshing! Nice detailing with the ice cubes and fruit.

  2. Very cool and refreshing! I am VERY impressed by the reflection of the glass. Nice work!

  3. I agree Rita. My hits were way down. And IF is the main way I get traffic to my blog. But it was definitely time for an update over there. Hmmm. I'm not sure what to think yet...

    P.S. My Pulp Fiction quote applies to your illo as well!

    1. Yes, it does! It's been years since I watched that movie...might have to watch it soon!

  4. Nice illustration and grat execution. My icy cocktails on the beach came out quite differently. but hope you have a chance to have a peek and leave your comments. Nice job!

  5. oooooh! I've never had a Mai Tai, but yours looks delish! I think you handled the reflection wonderfully, along with the granite. The fruit looks positively good enough to eat.

  6. That's right, nothing like a refreshing cocktail. Great painting :)

  7. I like your acrylic painting. You got the tea color just right.

  8. Mmmm...I feel refreshed just looking at it! Nice!

  9. Woo, another refreshment with liquor. Does it say something about us when we did liquor and lots of folks did tea or refreshing dips in a pool? :D I think it looks great, including the reflection and granite! Really lovely, saturated colors and beautiful garnish!
