
Friday, June 7, 2013

ICAD, Index-Card-a-Day 2013, day 7 and a Birthday Painting

It's time to celebrate my friend A's birthday so here is a little 5X7 watercolor and ink piece to give her as a birthday card.   Last year I painted her a little peacock

Yesterday was the last day of school here.  My kids are fully booked with camps for the month of June.  Even though I work from home and don't really need to send the kids to camps, I find them nice in that I get a little break to run errands, exercise or work while they are busy.  It's a balancing act, though, because camps are EXPENSIVE around here.  I try to send them only to a few that they will really enjoy and/or learn from.

On a whim I joined a 6 week bootcamp style exercise class last week.  This is the 3rd week so I will just do it for the last 3 weeks.  I went to 3 classes this week and I am so sore.  Sore as in can barely move sore.  I'm hoping it gets easier but I already feel leaner and stronger!  It's amazing how mental exercise is because it's too soon for me to have lost weight or gained muscle but I really feel like I already have.

 Still managing to keep up with the index cards.  Here is today's.  I looked in an old Hungarian folk art pattern book for inspiration and realized that a lot of the instructional drawings look a lot like zentangle patterns so I tried to do a whole card of Hungarian flowers in tangle fashion.

 See more of my index cards,here and here.
I've really been enjoying the index card a day challenge.  Learn more about it by clicking the cute button below:

Sharing at Paint Party Friday.  Check out all the lovely art!
Paint Party Friday


  1. Love your floral watercolor.
    Your friend will be delighted!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  2. Yay?! I was going to ask you to make her a card. It's beautiful!

  3. Very nice watercolor/zentangle art and that little watercolor for your friend is wonderful! Good for you for doing bootcamp...definitely not for the faint of heart! Happy PPF! -janice

  4. your card is delightful, your friend will love it. Beautiful index card too!

  5. I know exactly what you mean about the exercise. I feel so sluggish, and wobbly as I've not been able to exercise much this last couple of weeks, but I know that even with one good session I'll feel so much better and even a bit taught hehehe.

    Great card and love the doodle so many details in there! :)

  6. Rita, your painting is so bright and beautiful. It reminds me of Pennsylvania Dutch folk art.

  7. Your card is awesome and I'm sure your friend will love it. Keep up with the exercise. Boot camp sounds like fun. Love the floral. Thank you.

  8. Aw! She's going to LOVE your card. Not many people take the time to make something for birthdays any more. It's really sweet that you did.

  9. Marvelous doodles and your floral watercolor is a perfect folk rendering. Happy PPF

  10. Both cards are lovely! Your friend is so lucky to have you as a friend. Happy PPF

  11. Your cards are beautiful. I love the American way of sending kids to summer camp - I think it's a great idea (not that I have kids but if I did, I would!) Boot camp sounds good too and something I could definitely do with - I am just putting on so much weight recently but can't seem to find the motivation to up my exercise. I did wear my slendertone exercise belt last week a couple of times and my stomach muscles are even sore from just doing that!!

  12. your floral card is gorgeous! and I love your doodled ICAD!

  13. Love your floral card and the index card is great as well.

  14. Cards are beautiful...good for you keeping up on them!!

    Hugs Giggles

  15. The cards are great. Yep, balance is good but so is creativity. Blessings, Janet PPF

  16. rita what lovely index card paintings especially the one you've given to a friend. I;m sure she'll like it! Also your zentangle flowers are awesome!

  17. Wonderful work. I love the card. good luck at the boot camp!

  18. Beautiful color and pattern! HPPF!

  19. LOve your cards. My favorite is the first one. I like the design to use it on a fabric. Beautiful!!

    Have a great day!

  20. Nice pattern. Your fingers are getting a work out as well!

  21. Wonderful index cards! I love the one you're giving as a gift and the black and white one is beautiful as well!

  22. Gorgeous cards Rita! Completely sympathise on the mothering juggling act. On the exercise front I recently went to the mad dance class called "No lights, no lycra". The implication being you can go in your daggiest clothes and dance in the pitch black with no inhibitions! As I said, slightly mad and a bit of a laugh!!
