
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What's on Your Worktable Wednesday and 2 of 29 Faces

Today I'm joining all the folks at What's on Your Worktable Wednesday.

I've got a lot going on and my table is a mess but at least it's an artsy mess.  Sometimes it's just a mess because I pile other stuff on it and then I end up doing art in bed or at the kitchen table.

First of all here is my number 2 of 29 Faces that I finished yesterday. This girl spends a lot of time on her hair!

Here she is next two number 1, Green Lady.  I'm doing two on a page, I thought it would make them more interesting to look back at later.

 This is going to be the background of number 3.  I am not usually a multi-layer, all sorts of textures kind of painter but I always admire those that are so I saw this swirly stencil at the craft store and decided to give it a try.  Stay tuned.
 A while back I did an index card for ICAD using Hungarian folk art for the letters.  I've been working on making a bigger version.


  1. Looks like your desk has a wonderful large window. Lucky girl to have so much natural light. Wonderful faces Rita I look forward to following your journey.

  2. Everything looks great in your post, but I especially enjoy seeing the Hungarian Folk Artsy letters! can't wait to see them finished :) ...I'm hooked on folk art as well - Scandinavian at the moment, as we're living in Sweden right now...
    Do you use books or the Internet as reference?! (just curious ;))
    Cheers! & thanks for stopping by
    Jana #58

  3. Your Japanese lady is gorgeous.

  4. lovely to see all your projects
    your name in flowers is sweet ~

  5. Beautiful word-art and love your faces! ;D

  6. I love number 2. Green lady is good, too, but I love the face and the hairdo on number 2. April #22

  7. Love your faces and can't wait to see what you do with the background.

  8. Very cool hair on your new one! I like how you're doing very different styles and mediums. Should be a great series!
